
Genesis R&D Foods 9.11.0 (Released February 2013)

Release Date: February 28, 2013

Release Notes

New Features:

  • Windows 8 now supported.
  • Default 'Full' installation installs SQL Server 2008 R2 Express unless existing SQL Server (ESHA) instance already present.
  • Nutrition Facts table can now set Calorie Calculation Method of "4-4-9-2" in addition to sum of ingredients. Canada only.
  • Nutrition Facts panel can now set Calorie Calculation Method of "4-4-9" in addition to sum of ingredients. U.S. only.
  • Default installation directory for the ESHA Database files is now within the user's AppData path.  For example, under Windows XP, this path is likely C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Esha Research\Data\.
  • Default installation directory for Database Utility is now within the user's AppData path.  For example, under Windows XP, this path is likely C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Esha Research\Database Utility\.  This may affect the default backup location.


  • Label images can now be exported as jpeg (*.jpg) or PNG (*.png), in addition to existing formats (bitmap, gif, tif).
  • Decimal precision for Check Data function follows setting on Nutrients page.
  • List of Suppliers and/or Product Codes can now be exported.
  • Columns for "Create Date" and "Modify Date" added to the search results list.
  • Can now double click individual audits in Audits page to open a dialog with the audit entry information.
  • Added more resizable dialogs.
  • Names for Recipes and Ingredients allow up to 70 characters (from 60).
  • 'Report header image' and 'Reports PLUS header image' found in View / Preferences now support multiple image file types (bitmap, jpeg, gif, tiff, png).
  • More button to advanced Labels which allows the user to search by groups for Advanced Labels. Also added the Advanced Label Groups to allow the user to assign groups for Advanced Labels.
  • Now able to select default groups in preferences for new advanced labels.
  • Export user data by groups using the 'Include ANY group (OR)'.
  • New Advanced Label now places focus in Name field.
  • Cleaned up some Mexican labeling translations.
  • The Tabular layout now displays a hairline under the last nutrient per the CFR.
  • Label Settings - Voluntary Nutrients page now has 3 nodes, one for each country. Setting or clearing a nutrient that is common to any other countries settings will set or clear that nutrient in those countries as well.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Slash (/) used in Alternate Heading no longer forces line feed.
  • Linear Supplement label no longer shows insignificant nutrients when box unchecked.
  • Removed the extra space after serving size and servings per container (US linear label)
  • Fixed Punctuation in US linear label when not all of the nutrients are to be shown.
  • Export user data by groups using the 'Include ANY group (OR)'.
  • Include Recipe name in ingredient statement could be lost after exporting and importing.
  • Corrected nutrient order for single-language Canadian label tabular layout.

Database Changes:

  • Database structure version 9.5.1 required for Genesis 9.11.x
  • USDA (SR-25) and CNF (2007b) versions unchanged.
  • Total foods in the database: 55,405

Compatibility Changes:

  • ESHA Port 2.9.0
  • ESHA Security 2.4.0
  • SQL Server 2000 (including MSDE) is no longer supported.
  • Product Key Licensing Method
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