
ESHA Port 3.3.x (Released April 2015)

Download: Navigate to and log in using your customer number as you user login and your serial code as your password. If you have version 3.1.x installed already and are looking to update, you will need to uninstall the old version first.

Release Date: April 24, 2015

Release Notes:

Compatibility Requirements:

Compatible with Genesis(9.14.41) and the Food Processor(10.15.41) only. Database structure version 9.8.3 required.

Bug Fixes:

  • Changed the way no data strings are handled by ESHA port. By default ESHA port will now show fields with no data as a null (blank) value. In the exported Nutrition Facts Panel it will be shown with a "--". These values can be changed in the ESHAport.ini file using the NoDataString= line.
  • The save default fields option now works. Previously when ESHA Port was closed the defaults would revert back to the original settings.
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