
Install ESHA Security

You will need to have the database for Genesis R&D Food or Food Processor set up before installing ESHA Security.

1. Open the installation file that was downloaded.
2. Click Next to the Welcome Screen.

3. Check the box to accept the terms of the License Agreement

4. Input your user(optional), organization(optional)

5. Choose full install if you want to use the default installation path (C:\Program Files (x86)\Esha Research\SecuritySQL) and you want to install all options (which are only the application and the help files).

6. Enter the name of your SQL Server. This is generally your server name followed by \ESHA.  If you are unsure what the SQL Server name is, launch your Genesis R&D Food or Food Processor application, and click Home > About.  This will present the server name.

7. Click on Install


NOTE: for any users who will be utilizing and configuring permissions within ESHA Security, the minimum Roles required to add new users and assign them to roles is membership the the following 3 roles:   
 · Server Role 'securityadmin'   
 · Database Role 'db_accessadmin'   
 · Database Role 'db_securityadmin'


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