The Attachments feature in Food Processor lets you attach any type of file to a Person, Recipe, Ingredient, or Food Menu.
Some examples for when you might use this option include:
- Person: A profile image; before and after shots for a weight-loss program; blood test results
- Ingredient: A spec sheet from an ingredient supplier; a Nutrition Facts panel
- Recipe: An image of the food; a recipe card designed by your graphics person; a series of spreadsheet reports so you can track adjustments
- Menu Plan: An image of a meal; consumer feedback
Since the process for attaching a file to one of your records is the same regardless of which one you're using, this post will only go through the process for attaching an image file to a Person.
- With your Person open, click Edit Person
- Select Attachments.
- Browse to select the file OR drag and drop the file into the window. It will look like this, with the name and upload date of the attached file:
- Click OK to close this window.
- Later, you can access this file by again selecting the Attachments window. Right-click on the file to delete the file, open the file (for example, an attached jpg will open in your browser, Windows Photo Viewer, or editing software — depending on your default app), or download the file.
- You can attach as many files as you want to each record.