
Backup/ Restore Genesis Supplements Database

  1. Open ESHA Admin Tools—Default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\ESHA Research\Esha Admin Tools



Backup instructions:


  1. Select the Database tab and select Backup
  2. From the Selected Product drop down, select the product you wish to backup
  3. Confirm the Database name and hit Set once the database has been confirmed
  4. Click the Folder Icon to choose the location where the backup should be saved
  5. Select Execute to proceed with the Database backup

Restore instructions:

  1. Open ESHA Admin Tools—Default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\ESHA Research\Esha Admin Tools
  2. Select the Database tab and select Restore
  3. From the Selected Product drop down, select the product you wish to restore
  4. Enter the ServerName andselect the database to restore
  5. Select the location where the backup exists and choose the location the database will be restored to  Select Replace Database and select Execute


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