
Installation and Setup: Manually updating the ESHA Database (full SQL Server)

This document is for customers using a full installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 or newer to host the ESHA Database.

  • If the Server name includes either "\ESHA", or is literally "(localdb)\v11.0", then it is an ESHA instance of SQL Server, and you will use these instructions.
  • If the Server name does not include "\ESHA" or "(localdb)\v11.0", you are using a full installation of SQL Server (non-ESHA instance), and will continue with the instructions below.

Download the script files

If you have not already done so, download and extract the .zip file for your program: 

 Note: The script file names reflect the starting database structure version, not the ending. For example, s11.4.0.sql runs when the structure version is 11.4.0, and after it runs, the database will be at structure version 11.4.1.

These scripts must be executed in the correct order for the update to be successful.

Back up your database

• If you use Database Utility, follow these instructions
• If you use SQL Management, follow these instructions.

Run the scripts

Find your Database Version

  1. Select the appropriate database, for your program — 'eshadata' for Food Processor or 'gendata').
  2. Click File>New>Query with Current Connection.
  3. Type the following SQL statement:  select * from UDatabaseVersion
  4. Press F5 to execute the query.
  5. Note the Structure Version.

Determine Starting Script 

Once you have found the version numbers for the database, you need to determine which script to run. Generally speaking, run the 's' script that matches the Structure Version you found above. For example, if your structure version is 8.4.0, the script to run is 's8.4.0.sql'. This means that the ending structure version will be higher than the last script you run.  

Execute Script

To execute a script in Management Studio:

  1. Connect to the proper SQL Server instance.
  2. Connect to the proper database name (typically 'gendata').
  3. Open & Execute the proper Starting Script (details above).
  4. Note the resulting Structure Version after script execution.

Repeat until your Structure Version matches the Target Structure Version based on the table below.

NOTE: Recheck the database version after running each script. The scripts do not necessarily take you to the next row in the update table. And remember the script number is the starting structure version, not the ending structure version.
(First Release)
Target DB Structure Final Script (*.sql)
Food Processor
(First Release)
Target DB Structure

Final Script (*.sql)


(Feb 2023)

11.13.0 s11.12.1 - - -


(July 2022)

11.12.1 s11.11.0 - - -


(Oct 2021)

11.11.0 s11.10.0 11.11.x (Jan 2022) 11.11.0 s11.9.4.sql


(Mar 2021)

11.10.0 s11.9.0 - - -


(Nov 2020)

11.9.0 s11.8.0 11.9.x (Dec 2020) 11.9.0 s11.7.8


(June 2020)

11.8.0 s11.7.2 - - -


(June 2019)

11.7.1 s11.7.0 11.7.x (Nov 2019) 11.7.1 s11.6.3

(Aug 2018)

11.6.0 s11.5.1 11.6.x (Oct 2018) 11.6.0 s11.5.4

(May 2018)

11.5.1 s11.5.0 11.5.x (June 2018) 11.5.0 s11.4.1

(Dec 2017)

11.4.2 s11.4.1 11.4.x
(Nov 2017)
11.4.0 s11.3.2

(Feb 2017)

11.3.4 s11.3.3 11.3.x
(April 2017)
11.3.2 s11.3.1

(Nov 2016)

11.2.1 s11.1.3 11.2.x
(Oct 2016)
11.2.1 s11.2.0

(July 2016)

11.1.3 s11.1.2 11.1.x
(June 2016)
11.1.0 s11.0.3
(Aug 2015)
11.0.0 s9.8.4 11.0.x
(Oct 2015)
11.0.2 s9.8.6

(Feb 2015)

9.8.3 s9.8.2 10.15.x
(Feb 2015)
9.8.3 s9.8.2

(Nov 2014)

9.7.5 s9.7.4 10.14.x
(Nov 2014)
9.7.5 s9.7.4

(Jan 2014)

9.6.0 s9.5.1 10.13.x
(Jan 2014)
9.6.0 s9.5.1

(Feb 2013)

9.5.1 s9.5.0 10.12.x
(Feb 2013)
9.5.1 s9.5.0

(Oct 2012)

9.4.0 s9.3.1 10.11.x
(July 2012)
9.4.0 s9.3.1

(May 2012)

9.3.1 9.3.0 10.10.x
(May 2012)
9.3.1 s9.3.0

(Sept 2011)

9.2.0 s9.1.0 10.9.x
(Sept 2011)
9.2.0 s9.1.0

(Mar 2011)

9.1.0 s9.0.1 10.8.x
(Jan 2011)
9.1.0 s9.0.1

(July 2010)

9.0.1 s9.0.0 10.7.x
(July 2010)
9.0.1 s9.0.0

(Mar 2010)

8.9.2 s8.9.1 10.6.x
(Mar 2010)
8.9.2 s8.9.1

(Oct 2009)

8.8.0 s8.7.0 10.5.x
(Oct 2009)
8.8.0 s8.7.0

(Mar 2009)

8.7.0 s8.6.1 10.4.x
(Mar 2009)
8.7.0 s8.6.1

(July 2008)

8.6.0 s8.5.1

(July 2008)

8.6.0 s8.5.1

(May 2008)

8.5.1 s8.5.0 10.2.x
(May 2008)
8.5.1 s8.5.0


(July 2007)
8.4.5 s8.4.4


(Jan 2007)
8.3.5 s8.3.4
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    Brant Strand

    This article seems to be only valid for FP up to 9.8.0, as that is the latest version in the attached SQL scripts zip. Is there an updated version available?

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    Patrick Murphy

    As of this writing, the Structure Version for Food Processor is 9.8.x, however the Structure Versions is different than the Program Version. Food Processor program version 10.15.x requires a (Database) structure version of 9.8.x. Food Processor 10.15.x is the most updated version of the software, released in February 2015.

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    Mark Consigny

    The instructions for How to execute a script appear to be incorrect