Depending on what report you would like to add a company logo or image to, the process will be different. We have different articles for each of these types of reports.
Label Display Guide: This only applies to the Label Display.
Reports PLUS Guide: These reports are DairyDensity, Label Display - Standard 1 and 2, Label Display - Tabular1, Recipe Card with Multicolumn, Recipe Card with Multicolumn per 100g, Recipe Card 1 and 2, ProteinQuality, and Nutrient Analysis- One and Two Column. If you have had any custom reports created, those would also fall under the Reports PLUS.
Standard Reports Guide: These reports are Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet (Label Rounded), Multi-Column, Single Nutrient, Bar Graph, Calories and Fats Pie Chart, Calories and Fats Bar Graph, and MyPlate.
New in version 11: Recipe Specific Images: Add images to the Label Display specific to each recipe.