Q. Can other Genesis users see the ingredients that I have added to my database?
A. Within your organization, if you have a shared license of the software (installed on a company network or shared Cloud access), then other users may be able to see ingredients that you have added.
If you have Security settings that limit access within your organization, then not necessarily.
Genesis users outside of your organization or license cannot automatically view ingredients that you have added.
If you choose, you can export files (exl) to other Genesis users outside of your organization or license. They could then in turn import the exl files into their software.
Suppliers can submit nutrient data to ESHA for inclusion in the ESHA database. Inclusion in the ESHA database means that other software users could see ingredient information.
For more information contact the following:
Exporting options and access restrictions: support@esha.com or sales@esha.com
Database submissions: database@esha.com