The rules applied to vitamins and minerals are:
< 2% = can round to zero
<= 10% = rounds to the nearest 2%
>10% & <= 50% = rounds to the nearest 5%
> 50% = rounds to the nearest 10%
If your value is less than 2%, the software gives you the following options:
Round to nearest 2% increment
Set to zero
Insert Footnote
From the CFR:
"(iii) The percentages for vitamins and minerals shall be expressed to the nearest 2-percent increment up to and including the 10-percent level, the nearest 5-percent increment above 10 percent and up to and including the 50-percent level, and the nearest 10-percent increment above the 50-percent level. Quantitative amounts and percentages of vitamins and minerals present at less than 2 percent of the RDI are not required to be declared in nutrition labeling but may be declared by a zero or by the use of an asterisk (or other symbol) that refers to another asterisk (or symbol) that is placed at the bottom of the table and that is followed by the statement “Contains less than 2 percent of the Daily Value of this (these) nutrient (nutrients)” or “Contains <2 percent of the Daily Value of this (these) nutrient (nutrients).”..."