Nutrition: Labeling
- When set back to the default settings, does the label use the minimum font size per the guidelines selected?
- Protein vs Amino Acids
- Why do I see all of the allergens in my allergen statement?
- Ingredient Statements
- Label Data - Rounded vs Unrounded
- Serving Size - How to Determine
- Label from a Single Ingredient
- Allergen Statement
- Ingredient Statement - Order of Ingredients
- Boron on the Nutrition Facts Panel
- Vitamin A on the Canadian Label
- Supplement Facts - Definition of Supplement
- Incidental Ingredients
- Rounding Rules: what are the 2016 rounding rules for vitamins and minerals?
- Legal Labels. Are labels generated using the Genesis database as legal as going through a lab to have nutritional statements done?
- Is it OK to use Genesis R&D to create Nutrition Facts panels?
- International Labeling. Does Genesis R&D include international labeling features?
- Federal Position on the Use of Software for the Calculation of Nutrition Facts Panel Values: Is the ESHA database "approved"?
- Can I use "average" values derived from data bases to determine the nutrient content of my product?
- 4-4-9. On my finished label, the grams of carbohydrate, protein and fat, do not equal the Calorie level if I use the 4-4-9 to calculate Calories.