Yes Genesis defaults to the minimum font sizes noted in the CFR. For Nutrition Facts, the font sizes are listed in CFR 101.9d1iii:
(iii) Information required in paragraphs (d)(7) and (8) of this section shall be in type size no smaller than 8 point. Information required in paragraph (d)(5) of this section for the “Calories” declaration shall be highlighted in bold or extra bold and shall be in a type size no smaller than 16 point except the type size for this information required in the tabular displays as shown in paragraphs (d)(11), (e)(6)(ii), and (j)(13)(ii)(A)(1) of this section and the linear display for small packages as shown in paragraph (j)(13)(ii)(A)(2) of this section shall be in a type size no smaller than 10 point. The numeric amount for the information required in paragraph (d)(5) of this section shall also be highlighted in bold or extra bold type and shall be in a type size no smaller than 22 point, except the type size for this information required for the tabular display for small packages as shown in paragraph (j)(13)(ii)(A)(1) of this section, and for the linear display for small packages as shown in paragraph (j)(13)(ii)(A)(2) of this section no smaller than 14 point. The information required in paragraphs (d)(4), (6), and (9) of this section shall be in a type size no smaller than 6 point. When provided, the information described in paragraph (d)(10) of this section shall be in a type size no smaller than 6 point.
The font can be smaller than detailed above for the small package exception, but Genesis does not have a specific "small package" setting regarding smaller fonts.
When set back to the default settings, does the label use the minimum font size per the guidelines selected?
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