
Ingredient Statements

 Q.  Which of the ingredients in the database have ingredient statement names?


A.  Some of the plain food items that contain no fortifications include an Ingredient Statement name.  For those foods and ingredients, an Ingredient Statement Name may be assigned that will automatically pull into your Ingredient Statement.  The full ingredient name is typically more descriptive and might include brand information.

Mixed food ingredients from the ESHA database do not include ingredient statement information.  This information is not always supplied by the source.

It is good practice to review your Ingredient Statement and edit as needed.

You can assign an Ingredient Statement Name to an ingredient so that every time you use the ingredient, the Alternate Name is displayed.  To do so, open an Ingredient, click on "Ingredient Statement" and click on the "Select" button down below to search for a match.  If you cannot find a match for the Ingredient Statement Name, then click on Edit and type a new one.  For parenthetical information, include the ingredient name as the Ingredient Statement Name and list the parenthetical information in the "Ingredient Statement" field.

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